LMAC Membership

The LMAC is a legislatively created body representing a broad array of lake interests.

Members of the LMAC are nominated by various state and local agencies and interest groups. Voting members are appointed by the Governor and Executive Council, serve three-year terms, and are eligible for re-appointment. Non-voting members represent state government agencies and serve during their terms in office.

LMAC membership list with contact information.




LMAC Subcommittees

Capt. Tim Dunleavy
Andrea LaMoreaux
Joanie McIntire
Dick Smith
Steve Wingate

Joint Subcommittees

Michele L. Tremblay – RMAC - subcommittee chair
Peter Bowman (non-voting) – RMAC
Garret Graaskamp (non-voting) – LMAC
Mark Hemmerlein (non-voting) – RMAC and LMAC
Christopher Hodgdon – RMAC
Brooke Kenline-Nyman – RMAC
Janet Kidder – LMAC
John Magee (non-voting) – RMAC 
Lisa Morin – LMAC
Cory Ritz – RMAC
Larry Spencer – RMAC
Steve Wingate – LMAC

Subcommittee meetings and information

Michele L. Tremblay – RMAC – Subcommittee Co-Chair
Donald Ware – RMAC
Janet Kidder – LMAC

Michele L. Tremblay – RMAC – Subcommittee Chair
Garret Graaskamp – LMAC (non-voting)
John Magee – RMAC (non-voting)

Subcommittee meetings and information

Michele L. Tremblay – RMAC – Subcommittee Chair
Fred McNeill – RMAC
Larry Spencer – RMAC